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Saturday 20 September 2014

shIT HAPPENS FOR GOOD (Sometimes)…!!! :)

                 Well, finally I am here. I am not a good reader neither a book lover kind of person. But god knows why, I always wanted to write. I want to write and I just want to write whatever I want to write.
        you would have came to know how badly I wanna do it. From a long time, I was in search of a topic to begin, but you know, unless and until it comes from your heart, you can’t write anything. My fingers, my mind , my eyes are running so fast because I am writing what I am feeling. It is the best ever  feeling of my life. Thanks to all who are going through this stuff. I hope you will enjoy.
               Well, it is a day when one of my closest friend is rejected from her last round of interview and that too from her dream company. But good thing is, it was a first company for her batch and so many are coming very soon. No things to worry but you know how it is. I was just trying to bolster and make her relaxed, but I went 2 years back, when I was rejected from first company I appeared for, ACCENTURE..!! (It is a company which has given chance to almost all engineers in India :P )
She (my friend) got rejected from last round and I was rejected in very first. So imagine my state. That moment doesn’t ruined my life, it doesn’t make any difference to me now but still it was a kind of horrifying night for me. It happens..shit ??  It was my first attempt, I am good in aptitude and I didn’t make it through, this was not acceptable for me. I didn’t sleep that night just thinking that “am I that capable of fighting with such huge crowd and make it?”. Thousand question came in my mind, “should I go for MBA?”, “ Should I go for MS?” “ No,no GATE will be good options??” “ Well MS is better or MBA??” or “ ohh yeah, my brother’s friend is in Infosys, I will ask him for reference and will do anything for it..”  huh..!!!
               It was an attitude changing period of my life, it taught me  things which are holding me and helping me to exist in corporate world. If that night has never came in my life, I would have been a same person who can’t accept defeats. (It’s my personal opinion about myself, it doesn’t mean who got succeeded that time, can not face defeats :P)  I struggled , got a job with a better money, better profile and with a better confidence, I entered corporate world.
               Everything started going good, I made good relations around, and then new friends, parties wow..!! Exciting , fascinating journey of my life… One day manager calls me and asked to find new job as soon as possible. .and  WTF..!!  I was almost fired. Again the feeling of helplessness. “What should I do now?”  Thanks to some corporate relations, references that worked and I got better job than before. I am now working with so much of learning and  exposure to new technologies I was wishing to work on.
               So, what is the point, what I was trying to say is such a simple thing that sometimes shIT HAPPENS FOR GOOD. Every step in your life builds you to your destiny. It’s  the time, you need to look at with optimistic view . It builds you, just go with it, work with it, run with it and most importantly believe it.

Believe yourself..!! Remember sometimes SHIT happens for GOOD..!!!! J